How to Reawaken Lost or Dead Dreams

The cacophonies that characterize life’s sojourn can be deafening. Every day, we are greeted with plenitude of uncertainties that wear away all forms of aspiration and innate energy for the fulfilment of dreams, gradually but surely dreams become buried under the piles of frustration and disappointed hopes.

Life’s Compass

You are not alone

I remember waking one day to the realization of living in a circle, purposeless and without energy, I found myself doing the same thing over and again without definite purpose occasioned by the loss of interest in life. The overwhelming demands of every day weighed heavily on my mind; the dreams of a brighter future seemed like a distant reality. The run-off-the-mill approach was beginning to have its toll on me; thus, the need for a resurgence became apparent.

In this article, I will share proven tips on how to reawaken dead dreams and lost hopes as divulged by the late Dr Myles Munroe, an international acclaimed speaker in his book The Power of Vision. It is important however to state that the lost of wonder is connected to a lost of focus of life’s purpose. The possibility of a disconnect from your personal value system or the point at which you derive life’s purpose calls for reassessment and re-evaluation to avoid living life below the God’s standard.

Kick out distractions

Setting out time to reflect on your present state devoid of any form of distraction is crucial at this point. This stage is usually characterised by uneasiness that may result in engaging in not-too-profitable ventures. It is not uncommon to be naturally drawn to movies, games and worst of all fruitless engagement with social media. The natural inclination is to take the path of least resistance without considering the end result. Thus, elimination of distractions is important for moment of sober reflections.

Purpose rediscovered

Reflections on your true self as revealed in your time of discovery will help refocus your attention to what is important. Self-discovery is hinged on self-evaluation and probing carried out by answering the following questions;

  • Who am I?
  • Who am I in relation to God?
  • Where do I come from as a person?
  • How have I been created like my source?
  • Why am I here?

Find your true vision

Vision is a question of personal insight and like natural use of the eye, it is strictly personal. No one can share in the process of conceiving or birthing forth of vision. The far-reaching lens is endowed by God such that the mind that bears it alone understands the weight of glory and level of discipline to accomplish it.

How can you inspire vision once again you may wonder; ask yourself the following questions

  • What do I want to do with my life?
  • What am I inspired to do?
  • What would I want to do more than anything else, even if I was never paid for it?
  • What do I love to do so much that I forget to eat or sleep?

The thoroughness of the process embarked upon will determine to a large extent the quality of result obtained in the end. This process enables you write your personal purpose/mission statement and is but the first step in rediscovering lost dream and drive for life.

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